About Company
EduXplore-Live your dream

EduXplore-Live your dream

The company has started it’s operation in 2017 from Lublin , Poland and later has been registered in Dhaka , Bangladesh . Within short time we started our operation from Chittagong also  . However, the initial idea of the company has been written in 2013 in the edge of river Moscow ,Russian Federation , when the founder and CEO of the company, Engineer Mohammad Raju Ahmamd , lived in Moscow for his as a Russian government scholar study purposes and the moto was helping international students for the higher studies and provide career guideline for study abroad .


Since the operations has started, EduXplore has now established student’s collaborations with different Universities in Russia ,China ,Poland including Moscow state Automobile Road Technical University in Moscow ,Moscow Polytechnic University ,Moscow ,Russia State Agriculture University ,Moscow ,Voronezh State University , Voronezh ,WSB University in poznan ,Poland , Akademia WSB in Dawrowa Gornicza , Gdansk University ,University of economics and Innovation in Lublin , SGH Higher School of Economics , Wuhan University of technology in China and so on . Also, Collaboration process has been initiated with universities in Europe as well. During this time, it has helped students from different countries such as Bangladesh, India, Nigeria, Ukraine and so on. Also, we are collaborating with different local agents in different countries to provide transparent service to the potential students who cherish for higher study.


Our moto is  “Live your dream”